Architectural Design Policy

This sample policy contains straight forward and easy to follow architectural design instructions for homeowners and their contractors.  Consistent design and look is fundamental to sustaining market value.    While your Architectural Design Policy may not need as much detail, establishing standards for additions like awnings, storm and screen doors, privacy fencing and other exterior ornamentation usually applies.  Consider developing one for your community and put it in place before you lose control over the myriad of changes owners often want to make.  If there are already an assortment of deviations, grandfather them and establish a standard for future additions and changes.

Nottacare Condominium
Sample Architectural Design Policy

Table of Contents


     1.01     Responsibilities
     1.02     Policy
     1.03     Committee Discretion


2.01   Procedure  
     2.02   Standards
2.03   Completion
     2.04   Appeal
     2.05   Enforcement Process


3.01   General  
3.02   Building Sites
3.03   Drainage  
     3.04   Driveways  
     3.05   Impervious Surfaces  
     3.06   Garages
     3.07   Fences and Walls 
3.08   Porches, Decks and Patios  
3.09   Porch, Deck and Patio Covers
3.10   Exterior Walls  
3.11   Exterior Colors  
3.12   Roofs
3.13   Service Areas
3.14   Poles, Antennas & Satellite Dishes
3.15   Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment
     3.16   Building Size
     3.17   Mail Boxes and Newspaper Receptacles
     3.18   House Numbers
     3.19   Exterior Lighting  
     3.20   Basketball Backboards
     3.21   Screened from View


4.01 Landscape Design
4.02 Landscape Maintenance
     4.03 Street Trees
4.04 Sidewalks


5.01 Procedure


     6.01 Lots With Living Units
6.02 Vacant Lots
6.03 Yard Ornamentation


7.01 a. Common Property
b. Construction Sites
            c. Noise Control
7.02 Enforcement


9.01  New Construction and Alterations to Existing
     9.02  Architectural Design Policy for Community Associations
     9.03  Landscaping and Exterior Structures

This Architectural Design Policy includes procedures and guidelines to assist the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) through the architectural review process.  It supports the architectural restrictions contemplated by the governing documents that bind each owner.  This process is essential to create and preserve a community that is attractive, livable and to protect property values.

1.01 Responsibilities.  In accordance with authority granted to the Board of Directors in the governing documents, an Architectural Review Committee shall be appointed whose primary
duty shall be to supervise and control the external design, appearance, location and maintenance of all improvements on the property and all landscaping additions in accordance with the provisions of the governing documents and this Architectural Design Policy.  

In carrying out its duties, the ARC shall review all submittals and apply the procedure, standards and design guidelines as set forth in this policy. The ARC shall keep records and shall maintain a plans file of all construction for a period of not less than two years. 

1.02    Policy.  All owners and their contractors must meet with the ARC prior to commencement of any construction work.   The ARC will review plans, materials, site plan, colors and/or landscaping plan to ensure compliance with the design requirements, policy and procedures of the Architectural Design Policy.    No construction of any kind shall be commenced until plans and specifications have been submitted to and approved in writing by the ARC.

General land use requirements and building codes are established and compliance with them is a service of the city building department. The homeowners association assumes no responsibility for the structural integrity, safety features, mechanical operation or building code compliance of the proposed construction.  

1.03  Committee Discretion.  This policy does not cover every possible situation that may require ARC approval.  As it applies, the ARC is authorized to exercise discretion in approving or disapproving a specific proposal.  In some special cases, the ARC, with special approval from the Board of Directors, may approve a proposal that may conflict with a standard set forth in this manual.  This approval does not constitute a precedent for future requests. 

2.01  Procedure.
  All proposals for construction on any Lot must be submitted to the
ARC with a completed Application at least 30 days prior to the start of the proposed action.  A completed Application shall mean:

a) Two copies of plans and specifications complying with the published checklists of the ARC;
b) Two copies of landscaping plans demonstrating compliance with the Minimum
Landscaping Standards; and,
c) Two completed Application Forms, signed construction agreements and checklists provided by the

ARC shall have thirty (30) days to review a submittal.  After review, one copy of the submittal will be retained by the ARC for their files.  The other will be returned to the applicant marked with one of the following:

"Approved"  (project approved as submitted)
"Approved as Noted" (subject to conditions noted)

"Not approved" (reasons noted on drawings and forms)

An incomplete submittal will be returned to the applicant marked “Not Approved”.   It is the owner's responsibility to apply for and pay all fees for permits and inspections required by the governing authorities and codes.

2.02      Standards.  All plans shall use (1) the applicable standards established by the governing documents for density, building type, set-back requirements, utilities and placement, and other exterior characteristics, and, (2) the design criteria of this Architectural Design Policy to preserve consistent external appearance, design and compatibility with existing structures.

All plans shall be of professional quality with sufficient detail to clearly define the proposed project. Plans for new home starts shall be designed by architects or professional building designers and shall include an Artists Rendering (two-point perspective) of the front view of the proposed Living Unit.

2.03     Completion.  Approved projects must be commenced within three (3) months of ARC approval.  After three months, re-submittal and re-approval is required.  All construction shall be completed in a timely and continuous manner.  New home construction shall be completed within six months after issuance of a building permit.  Failure to complete the work within the prescribed time will result in penalties as prescribed in the Schedule of Fines. The ARC may grant an extension due to extenuating circumstances brought to its attention. 

2.04  Appeal.  An applicant may petition the Board for a review of the ARC's decision by submitting a written statement to the President of the Board, explaining the issue and the proposed solution.  A majority of the Directors must agree that a review is appropriate and will notify the applicant within 30 days after the applicant's statement
is received of the acceptance or denial of the petition, and any conditions. The Board may set procedural limitations for the review, including restricting the scope of the review to specific issues and limiting the time that the applicant may speak.

2.05  Enforcement Process.  Violation of the Architectural Review Policy may be reported by any owner in writing to the ARC. Violations will generally be processed in the following manner but some circumstances may require a different action:

(a) An ARC representative will inspect the alleged violations.
(b) If the ARC determines that the alleged violation requires corrective action, two letters (second by registered mail) seven (7) or more days apart, will be sent to the violator by the ARC.  The letters will clearly state the nature of the violation and the proposed corrective action to be taken.

(c) If no satisfactory response is received within fourteen (14) days of the second letter, the ARC will turn the matter over to the Board for further action as provided in the governing documents.

3.01  General.
  Living Units shall be of an attractive and high quality architectural design that is compatible in external appearance, design and quality with existing structures.  
(a)    Design: No two homes on the same street or in view of each other may have the same floor plan (including flipped plan) or the same street-front elevation.
(b) Setback: No more than two consecutive homes (side by side) may be constructed at the same set-back distance from the street, measured from the farthest frontal projection of the structure. A variable setback distance of at least two (2) feet is required and shall avoid a repetitive pattern.

3.02   Building Sites.  All structures shall be conform to local zoning and building ordinance setback requirements.

3.03  Drainage.  Roof gutters are required on all structures and must be properly drained according to building code.

3.04  Driveways.  Driveways shall be of concrete slab construction only.  All other materials and special artistic effects including colors must be approved by the ARC.  Circular driveways or other driveway configurations will be considered on a case by case basis. All driveways shall permit a full size (20ft.) car to be parked in the driveway and not interfere with sidewalk access. 

3.05  Impervious Surfaces.
  Not more than seventy percent (70%) of any Lot shall be covered with an impervious material (structures, decks, patios, pools, walkways, driveways, and other permanent materials).

3.06     Garages.  Each single family detached Living Unit shall include a garage designed to enclose a minimum of two (2) vehicles and shall not have more than three (3) separate garage doors. Garage doors shall be of standard solid panel construction, which will conceal the contents of the garage. Garage doors shall be kept closed except when access or an activity requires them to be open. The structure shall relate to the dwelling in respect to character, material, and finish. Carports and unattached garages are not permitted.

3.07 Fences and Walls.  The ARC must approve all fences and walls. There are several approved designs and materials available upon request.  The ARC will consider other designs and materials on a case by case basis. 

shall be constructed principally of wood, ornamental
iron or aluminum. Other materials such as chain link or vinyl will require special approval by the ARC.  The maximum height of any fence shall be six (6) feet above ground level and may not extend beyond the front line of the living unit.  Wood fences shall either be painted or finished with solid color stains that preserve the wood and textures. Metal fences shall be painted black or other dark colors to blend with landscaping and the neighborhood. The ARC must approve all color selections.

(b) Walls shall be of brick or stone  masonry, or stucco. Masonry or stucco pillars may be used but shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. The maximum height of any wall shall be three (3) feet.  Walls used in conjunction with a landscaping plan, may extend beyond the front line of the dwelling but may not extend into a street right-of-way or closer than five (5) feet to a sidewalk.

All fences or walls shall be a “good neighbor” type (finished equally on both sides) and when adjoined on adjacent lots, every attempt shall be made to match or blend designs.

Fences or walls along a street side-yard of a corner lot shall be set back at least of five (5) feet from the sidewalk to permit landscaping between the fence or wall and the sidewalk.

(c)  Retaining walls constructed along rear or side property lines shall include cast-in-place concrete and block masonry landscaping units. The 3-foot height limitation may be waived if site conditions require a higher wall. Wood retaining walls are not permitted

3.08 Porches, Decks and Patios.  All porches, decks and patios shall have an appearance consistent with the dwelling.  No porch, patio or deck shall extend closer than eight (8) feet of any lot line or more than thirty (30) inches above finish grade. Porches or decks, which are constructed above ground must be with finished to the ground with materials compatible with the deck or the dwelling and screened with landscaping.   Patios shall be concrete slabs on grade.

3.09 Porch, Deck and Patio Covers.   All covers must be of a design complementary to the dwelling and approved by the ARC.  

(a)    New Home.  All permanent Porch, Patio or Deck covers with solid roofing must be constructed of the same materials and the same roof pitch as the Living Unit.
(b) Add-Ons. Wherever structurally and functionally possible, all covers shall meet the same requirements as New Home Starts.
        Where not structurally or functionally possible, add-on covers shall be professionally designed with soffit and fascia that conceal the slope and roof material from a ground level vantage point.
(c) Awnings. The ARC must approve all awnings. Fabric type retractable
awnings must be compatible with the living unit and will be considered on a case by case basis. The fabric must be of a color compatible with the dwelling trim color.  Retractable awnings and window awnings shall not have pole supports. 
(d) Sunrooms, Solariums and Gazebos. All such structures must be approved by the ARC and must be of a design that is compatible with the dwelling.  Only
professionally designed or pre-engineered structures will be considered.  Design criteria considered includes location, function, shape, size, material, color, placement and visibility from adjacent properties.
(e)  Free-Standing Tent Structures are allowed only on a temporary basis (7 days maximum) for special events.

3.10 Exterior Walls. The front elevation of each dwelling shall have design features that are consistent with other homes.  Approved wall materials are: wood or simulated wood products such as beveled siding, shakes, and tongue and groove vertical siding; brick or stone veneer; and stucco. Plywood as a finish siding is not permitted. Combinations of wood products and masonry or stucco are encouraged.  Other siding materials will be judged on merit after a review of samples. Side and rear elevations shall be of the same or compatible materials as front elevations. 

3.11 Exterior Colors.  All exterior colors must be approved by the ARC.
  Only colors in subdued or neutral tones will be considered for the body color. Bright or high intensity colors will not be permitted.  Accent colors must be compatible with the field color. Repainting with the same color does not require ARC approval.

3.12  Roofs.  Approved roofing materials are cedar shakes (medium weight or thicker), clay tile or concrete tile. Other materials will be judged on their merit on a case by case basis and must be submitted for material, color, and texture approval. The minimum roof pitch allowable is 4/12.   All roofing materials and configurations shall be compatible with existing homes.  Three-tab asphalt composition roofing will not be permitted.

3.13  Service Areas.  The following types of service areas shall be approved by the ARC and shall be reasonably screened from public view:  Storage buildings or areas, doghouses, tool sheds, firewood storage, garbage enclosures, swing sets or other playground equipment, basketball hoops, picnic tables, barbecues, arbors, pools and hot tubs. 

3.14   Poles, Antennas & Satellite Dishes
   Exterior poles and towers for radio or television
antennae are not permitted. 
(b)  Flag Poles are permitted subject to review and approval by the ARC.
(c)  Satellite Dishes.  All satellite dishes shall be mounted in a location that is not readily visible from public view.  Ground installations shall be screened or disguised by trees, shrubs, rocks, or other means. Satellite dishes larger than one (1) meter are not permitted.

3.15  Heating & Air Conditioning Equipment. Outdoor air conditioning units shall be placed to minimize noise to adjacent dwellings and shall be screened from view. Use of solar heating systems is acceptable provided the panels or collectors are integrated into the structure with regard to the overall appearance and design. 

3.16  Building Size.  Design considerations for a new houses shall include compatibility to the natural setting without dominating the surrounding homes.  All homes shall be no higher than two (2) stories above finished grade level with a maximum thirty (30) foot high ridge line. 

The minimum size for a house excluding garage, shall be as follows:
(a)    single family detached Living Units (one story): 1,500 square feet;
   single family detached Living Units (two story): 1,800 square feet.

3.17 Mail boxes & Newspaper Receptacles.  Mailboxes and newspaper receptacles
shall all conform to the current standard.  All replacements shall be of the same design and color as existing. Security-type (lockable) mail boxes must be approved by the ARC and the U.S. Postal Service.

3.18 House Numbers.  House Plans must show a location and style for house numbers.  The house numbers must be clearly readable from the street, but not so large as to be out of proportion to the structure, and compatibility to the overall design of the structure.

3.19 Exterior Lighting.  Type and placement of exterior lighting devices must be
approved by the ARC.  The main goal is to restrict glare and annoyance to adjacent property owners.

3.20  Basketball Backboards.  All basketball backboards shall be mounted in a permanent fashion on a pole or post embedded in concrete or like material or on a garage, shed or other permanent structure.  All basketball backboards shall be screened from public view (see item 3.22).  The location and screening of permanent basketball backstops are subject to approval by the ARC.  Because driveways cannot be effectively screened from public view, basketball backboards may not be installed on or adjacent to a driveway.  Portable basketball backboards are not allowed.  Playing basketball shall be limited to daylight hours only and in no case before 8:00 AM or after 8:00 PM.

.22  Screened from View.   "Screened from public view" means using shrubs, trees or a pre-approved fence that will prevent the object from being seen by neighbors and the public.

4.01 Landscaping Design.
  All Lots shall be landscaped in a manner that is harmonious and compatible with the overall landscaping policy.

4.02  Landscaping Maintenance.  Each Owner shall maintain the landscaping and yard area in an attractive appearance and free from insects and diseases. Each Owner shall provide for the timely replacement of lost plants, barkdust or ground cover, and trimming and pruning of plants to prevent an overgrown look.

4.03 Street Trees.  If a street tree is planted on or adjacent to any Owner's Lot, the Owner shall be responsible to maintain the tree and promptly replace it with the same species should it become diseased or die.  The Association shall maintain and replace any street trees planted on Common Property tracts.

4.04 Sidewalks.  Each owner shall construct a sidewalk along the street frontage of their Lot in the location and specifications determined by the ARC and city ordinance.  The owner shall maintain and repair the sidewalk to ensure it remains clean, safe and structurally sound.

5.01  Procedure. 
Construction and landscape plans shall be submitted in duplicate to the ARC for approval. Landscape plans for new home construction must accompany the house construction plans. Plans shall include a site plan to scale (min. 1/8 inch = 1 ft.) showing property lines, above ground structures, planting areas, location, and description of plantings including species.  Requests for approval of walls, fencing, or storage sheds, shall include design drawings or photos to assure quality construction and compliance with other requirements of this Manual. 

6.01 Lots with Houses.
  All front, rear and side yard areas shall be planted with any of the following: trees and shrubs, ground cover and lawn areas.  Each landscaping plan shall contain an adequate number of plantings to create a mature effect at the time of initial installation. Extensive areas of sparsely planted shrub beds covered with bark dust or similar materials will not be permitted. Colored rocks for ground cover will not be permitted. At a minimum each yard shall include:

-Two trees of 1-3/4” to 2” caliper.
-Twelve 5 gallon plants.
-Ten 1 gallon plants.

-Ground cover and annual flowers in any flower beds.

Mounding is permitted as long as properly contoured for drainage, however, no water runoff onto neighboring property. The use of brick or stone masonry walls and raised planter beds is encouraged.                                                          

All Lots shall be landscaped in compliance with these requirements within 90 days after completion of the house, unless a written waiver is granted by the ARC.  

Vacant Lots. Weeds and grass shall be kept mowed and not allowed to grow to a height of more than six (6) inches. All vacant Lots and Lots with partially constructed improvements shall be kept clean of construction materials, equipment, and other debris such as grass and shrub clippings, that would be unsightly or prevent or hinder mowing.

6.03     Yard Ornamentation.  Excessive yard ornamentation will not be permitted.  Items such as figurines, plastic flowers, colored lights, windmills, bird baths, and feeders, shall either be screened from public and neighboring view or be approved by the ARC.  This Section shall not apply to seasonal holiday decorations, which shall be removed within two weeks after the holiday. 

7.01 (a) Common Property.
  Owner, his contractor or any other person associated with construction of the house may not damage the surface of the Common Property during construction, or use any portion of the Common Property for storage or other activities relating to construction.  Roadways and adjoining lots shall be kept clean and free of debris (and roadways free of mud) arising from construction activities on a Lot. 

(b) Construction Sites.  Owners, Contractors and others, shall keep a clean construction site. All construction debris, lumber remnants and scrap materials shall be removed from the site after each phase of work such as foundations, floors, walls, roofs, etc. and in no case allow the accumulation of more than one week’s debris. In lieu of removal from the site, the ARC may authorize the use of a “Dumpster” if placed on the lot. Chemical toilets shall be placed on the construction lot, not in the street or on the sidewalk. Dogs, drugs, alcohol or loud radios are not permitted on the job site. Violators will be required to leave.

(c) Noise Control.  Contractors, Owners and Others, shall restrict all noise-producing construction activities to the following hours:
- Monday through Saturday, 7:00AM to 5:00PM.
Sundays and Holidays, 9:00AM to 5:00PM.

7.02  Enforcement.  If, as a result of construction activities on a Lot, violations of 7.01 (a) or (b) occur, then in addition to any other remedies permitted by the governing documents and law, the Association may correct the violation, charge the Owner of the Lot for the cleanup (payable on demand), and place a lien on the Lot to secure payment. 

  Revisions.  The Board may, from time to time, amend, modify or revise provisions of the Architectural Design Policy, including the procedures for submitting, reviewing and approval of the ARC.  No such amendment, modification, or revision shall be binding upon the owners until notice has been given to the owners by the Board, and no such amendment, modification or revisions shall affect structures, improvements, or landscaping approved prior to the enactment of such amendment, modification or revision.

New Construction
Alteration to Existing
Application Form

The ARC, as provided for in the governing documents exists to maintain high standards for design, development and maintenance of houses and lots. When an Owner wishes to construct or remodel a house, application must be made to the ARC using this form. (Two copies are required)  The information will provide the ARC with the information necessary to review the proposed construction for compliance with the Architectural Design Policy.  Applications must be submitted to the ARC 30 days prior to the anticipated start date.

Address ______________________________________________  
Submittal Date_____________, 200__
Anticipated Start Date________________,200__
Square Footage of Lot:_________
Square Feet of House________ 
 One Story      Two Stories
Property Owner(s) __________________________________________
Address:________________ City____________ State____ Zip_______
Home Phone: ________________ Business Phone_________________
Architect/Designer________________________ Phone_____________
Contractor/Builder______________________________ Phone_____________

Type of Submittal:  
 New Construction     Landscaping      Alterations/Remodeling
Description of Proposed Work___________________________________________________

All the following applicable items must be included with Applications for review by the ARC.  Please check off each item. If an applicable item is not included, the Application will be returned for completion. 

  A. SITE PLAN  (Include the following information)
1. Minimum Scale 1/8 inch = 1 foot 
  2. Building location(s)  Include garage, decks and patios.
  3. Property lines and setbacks (distances to structures)
4. Tree locations - sizes, species, those to be removed. 
  5. Topography
  6. Utility locations - TV, Phone, Water, Hydrants, Gas Meters.
7. Driveways, walks and parking. Indicate materials/finish/color. 
  8. Privacy screening, fences and walls. Indicate materials/finish/color. 
9. Outdoor Lighting. 
  10. Special setbacks or easements. 
  11. Construction staging and access areas. 
  12. Temporary structures locations. 
  13. Permanent outdoor furniture and accessories.
14. Arrow indicating North

  1. Minimum scale: ¼ inch = 1 foot. 
  2. Exterior door and window openings. 
  3. Exterior walls and partitions. 
  4. Exterior stairways. 
  5. Exterior lights. 
  6. Decks, patios and porches. 
  7. Electrical meter location.
  8. Trash receptacles (location, screening and access)
  10. Type and location of heating and cooling system, location of outdoor unit.  
  11. Arrow indicating North

  1. Scale (Min. ¼ inch=1 ft), Street Elevation,
  2. All exterior features; doors, windows, roof, siding, trim, foundations, railings, house numbers, etc.  
  3. Note all materials, finishes and colors. 
  4. Finish floor line and elevation, and proposed finish grade elevation. Indicate height of roof from finish grade.

  D. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES to be used during construction. 
  1. Storage
  2. Dumpster
  3. Construction shack
  4. Toilet(s)
  5. Staging Area

  1.   Walks and drives; material, finish and colors 
  2.   Landscaping plans in compliance with Minimum Landscaping  

  1. Exterior siding & pattern
  2. Trim materials.
  3. Brick, Stone, Stucco – color & pattern 
  4. Roofing, type, material, color.
5. Exterior openings 
    a. Doors (materials, finish) 
b. Windows (materials, finish) (no mirrored glass) 
    c. Skylights (materials, finish)
    d. Garage doors (materials, finish) 
6.  Exterior; paint, stain, type-finish, color (provide color chips)
    Siding color:_______________________________________
    Trim ______________________________________________
    Garage Doors ______________________________________
  7. Exterior light fixtures (vendor, descriptions, names) 
  8. Heating/Cooling system (type, location for exterior equipment)

Agreement for New Construction
Alterations to Existing Construction

As a property owner or prospective homeowner, I/We have read the current Architectural Design Policy and Application forms and fully understand the requirements.  

I/We understand that any exterior changes to the approved plans must be submitted to and approved by the ARC prior to implementing the change. 

I/We understand that by signing this agreement, specific permission is granted to the ARC and/or its agents to enter the property at reasonable times to inspect for compliance.

I/We understand that the surface of the Common Property must not be damaged or disturbed during construction or used for other activities relating to construction without the written permission of the ARC.

I/We understand that mud and debris which accumulates on the street as a result of the construction must be removed promptly. If not removed promptly, the Association may have it removed and the cost charged to Me/Us.

I/We understand that to enforce its standards, the Association may seek injunctions from a court of law and other legal remedies.

Owner Signatures
(all owners must sign)

Owner ____________________________________ Date____________, 201___

Owner ____________________________________ Date____________, 201___

Representative of Property Owner
I certify that I am a authorized representative of the above named property owner and have the power to act in his/her/their behalf. In addition, I have made the owner(s) aware of all the above stated requirements.

______________________________ Date____________, 201___

Landscaping & Exterior Structures
Request Form

Submittal Date_____________, 201__     Anticipated Start Date_____________

Property Owner(s)_________________________________________________


City___________________________________ State__________ Zip________

Home Phone ____________________     Business Phone ___________________

Landscape Designer__________________________   Phone ________________

Contractor_________________________________   Phone ________________

Type of work to be done:
New Yard  

Description of Work_________________________________________________

Please submit plans at least 2 weeks prior to anticipated start date.

Generously shared by McNary Estates Homeowners of Keizer Oregon

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