Pet Policy

A well worded Pet Policy will harmonize integration of pets and people.    This policy uses the format recommended in the Resolution Process. All such policies should conform with applicable state statutes and association governing documents.  Always have new policies reviewed by an attorney specializing in homeowner association law in your state.

Nottacare Condominium
Policy Resolution #____

WHEREAS, Section ___ of the Nottacare Condominium (Association) Bylaws grants the general power to conduct the business and affairs of the Association to the Board of Directors, whose members shall be members of the Association; and

LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT in order to ensure that the rights of owners to keep pets and the rights of other owners with respect to those pets are respected, the Board of Directors establishes a policy as follows:

1.  Only traditional household pets like dogs, cats, birds and fish are permitted.
2.  No animal shall be kept or bred for commercial purposes.
3.  Pets may not exceed ____ pounds fully grown.
4.  Total number of dogs, cats and their offspring per residence is limited to ____.
5.  All pets shall be registered and inoculated as required by local law.
6.  No pets are permitted to run at large. All pets must be kept restrained or on a leash at all times when on the grounds.
7.  All damage created by a pet is the sole responsibility of the pet owner or the property owner if the pet owner is a renter. Damage to association property will be repaired by the association and reasonable repair costs billed to the property owner.
8. Pet owners shall clean up after pets properly. If necessary, reasonable cleanup costs plus a $____ fine for each occurrence will be charged to the pet owner or the property owner if the pet owner is a renter.

Complaint Procedure.   If a pet is being offensive, the offended party should first talk with the pet owner and request correction. If the offense continues, written details should be submitted to the Board (or Property Manager) explaining the offense, time, place, pet description, pet owner's name, address, etc.

Fine Provision.  Pet owners or the unit owner if the pet owner is a renter are subject to a fine of $____ for each violation of this policy by their pet and an additional $____ per day until remedied.

Pet Removal Provision.   Pets that repeatedly violate this policy may be required to be permanently removed from the property.  In such case, the pet owner (or the property owner if the pet owner is a renter) will be given a ___ day notice to remove the pet from the property.  If the pet is not removed by the deadline, a fine of $___ per day will be chargeable to property owner and subject to normal collection procedures established by the association.

Right of Appeal.   Appeals must be received in writing by the Board of Directors (or Property Manager) before the notice deadline. If the pet in question belongs to a renter, the appeal must be made by the property owner or the property owner’s management agent. Once an appeal is received, the Board (or Property Manager) will schedule a meeting as soon as possible and no later than 14 days to review the matter with the pet owner, property owner and/or management agent. No further fining will take place pending the outcome of the appeal. If the Board (or Property Manager) does not schedule a meeting within 14 days as required, the matter may be considered dropped. The Board’s (or Property Manager's) decision on the appeal is final. If the appeal is rejected, fines and other provisions become effective three days following written notification to the property owner.

Collection Provision.  All fines, costs and expenses necessary to enforce this resolution will be levied against the property owner and shall be an assessment against the owner's property and subject to all lien and collection powers of the Association.

Recorded in the Book of Minutes on __________________, 201___

Signed: __________________, 201___

President - Board of Directors

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