Sign Policy

Signs come in all shapes, sizes and functions.  Entry monuments, street signs, parking signs, directories and building signs are a normal, logical and permanent part of an HOA.  However, residents have temporary sign needs that should be respected and accommodated within reason.  Since the common area is private property, it is reasonable for the HOA to control the type, number and frequency of personal signs placed there to protect curb appeal.   This sample resolution can be customized for your HOA's use but should conform with your governing documents. Before enactment, it should be reviewed by an attorney specializing in homeowner association law and circulated for comment to the members.

Nottacare Condominium
Policy Resolution #____

WHEREAS, Section ___ of the Bylaws grants the authority and obligation to conduct the business and affairs of the Homeowners Association to the Board of Directors, and

WHEREAS that authority includes the power to enact reasonable rules and regulations to protect member property values and livability of the community,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT in order to enhance curb appeal and to maintain an attractive community, the Board of Directors establishes a resident placed signed policy as follows:

Signs Permitted by Resident (or their agent).  

  • Home For Sale
  • Home For Rent
  • Garage/Estate Sale
  • Political/Campaign
  • Other Signs approved by the Board/Manager (events like birthday party, wedding, etc.)

Size of Sign.   Shall not exceed 18" by 24" plus unobtrusive frame to support it.

Sign Quality.  Signs shall have a professional appearance

Number of Signs.  Only one sign per home is allowed at any given time.

Location of Sign.  Sign may be placed in a home window or in the common area directly in front of the home.  Signs may not be attached to buildings, power or light poles, fences or trees.  All signs must be supported by an appropriate frame.

Time Limit for Sign Placement.

  • A For Sale and For Rent sign may be placed only when a home is available for sale or rent.  When sold or rented, the sign must be removed. 
  • Garage/Estate Sale sign may be placed the day before and during sale days only (not to exceed four days total).  Sign must be removed at the end of the final sale day.
  • Political/Campaign signs for HOA elections may be placed 15 days prior to the election.  Political signs for local or state elections may be placed 30 days prior to election day.  Signs for national elections may be placed for 90 days prior to the election.  All political signs must be removed by the day following election day.
  • Other Signs can be placed the day before and the day of the event and must be removed at the end of the day.

Enforcement Procedures

Removal of Signs.  Nonconforming and/or non-permitted signs will be removed and disposed of without notice. 

Written Notice of Violation.  The Board/Manage will send written notice to the violator (or the property owner if the violator is a renter) describing the violation and include a copy of this policy.

Fines.  A fine of $25 per event shall be assessed against the violator (or the property owner if the violator is a renter).

Right of Appeal.  All Notices of Violation and fines include a right of appeal which must be received in writing by the Board or Managing Agent within 10 days of receiving the Notice of Violation.  Once an appeal is received, the Board must meet with the property owner within 7 days to review the matter.  The Board’s decision on the appeal is final.  If the Board fails to hold an appeal meeting within 7 days, the matter is considered dropped.

Collection Provision. All fines, costs and expenses levied against a property owner to enforce the Sign Policy are subject to all lien and collection powers of the Association.

Recorded in the Book of Minutes on __________________, 201__

Signed: ____________, 201__

President - Board of Directors

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