Creation & Use of Resolutions

The Resolution Process is a great way to address complex issues that require more detail and enforcement than "Thou shalt not..." rules like pets, parking, collections, rental restrictions and architectural design control.  It includes getting member feedback on proposed policies before enactment.  If allowed to be part of the process, members are more likely to comply.  To use the Resolution Process, this is the first resolution that should be adopted:

Nottacare Condominium
Creation & Use of Resolutions

WHEREAS Section ___ of the By-laws grants the Board of Directors the power to conduct association business.  To effectively exercise that power, a process is needed to administer the more complex aspects of that business. The resolution process is a reasonable way to identify, define and administrate those aspects.

LET IT BE RESOLVED that the Board establishes the Resolution Process as follows:

1. As appropriate, the Board shall adopt Resolutions in one of two forms:

POLICY RESOLUTIONS relate to governing the Homeowner Association, including but not limited to, actions affecting the members' rights of enjoyment and obligations, and the protection of Association and members’ equity.

ADMINISTRATIVE RESOLUTIONS deal with the Homeowner Association’s operation, including but not limited to, committee responsibilities, financial procedures, and policy and rules administration.

2. All resolutions shall conform to this Model Resolution format:

[Name of Homeowner Association]
[Type: Policy or Administrative] Resolution Number_______
[Title of the Resolution]

WHEREAS (One or more paragraphs providing the authority for this Resolution)

LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT (One or more paragraphs describing the Resolution)

Recorded in the Book of Minutes:   _____________, 201__

Signed:______________________, 201___

Chairman/President - Board of Directors

3. When a need is identified, the Board of Directors will circulate a "draft" resolution to Association members for review and comment.

4. Based on the member input received, the Resolution may be revised by the Board and, if appropriate, be recirculated to the members.

5. Once the Resolution is in a "final" form, the Board of Directors will vote to either approve or disapprove it. If it is approved, the Resolution will be enforceable by the Board of Directors within the mandate of its Association powers and duties.

6. A Book of Resolutions adopted by the Homeowner Association will be maintained by the Secretary and copies provided to all Homeowner Association members.

Recorded in the Book of Minutes: ___________, 201___

DATE:______________________, 201___

President - Board of Directors

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