Schedule of Fines Policy

To enforce compliance of rules, policies and timely payments, a Schedule of Fines should be enacted that clearly defines the fines for specific offenses.  Fines should be reasonable (punishment should fit the crime) and customary. (Example:  If area merchants charge $20 for bad checks, don't charge $50).  To ensure equitable treatment of all offenders, similar violations should carry similar fines.  Here is a sample policy that can be adapted to your HOA's use.  Make sure it complies with your governing documents and state statutes

Nottacare Condominium
Sample Policy Resolution #___
Schedule of Fines

WHEREAS Section ___ of the Bylaws grant the Board of Directors with the power to conduct Association business and, to protect community harmony by providing guidelines and a procedure for address conditions that disrupt that harmony,

LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the following Schedule of Fines will be followed:

1.  The Board of Directors is authorized to enforce timely assessment payments from owners, compliance with Rules and Regulations and other policies enacted in accordance with the governing documents by assessing monetary penalties against owners, their guests, family and renters who are violation.  

2.  Fines for specific offenses are:

Schedule of Fines

Architectural $___ per day $___ per occurrence
Attorney Fees

Collection Policy

Collection Policy

Excessive Noise $___ per day $___ per occurrence
Interest Charge

Collection Policy

Collection Policy

Late Payments

Collection Policy

Collection Policy

NSF Checks

Collection Policy

Collection Policy

Parking  $___ per day $___ per occurrence
Pet $___ per day $___ per occurrence
Rental $___ per day $___ per occurrence

3.  All unpaid fines are subject to the Collection Policy.

4. Appeal Process   Any Owner receiving a fine who believes no violation occurred, may submit a written explanation to the Board of Directors. The owner will be given an opportunity for a hearing and no enforcement fee will be imposed until after the hearing.

Recorded in the Book of Minutes: _______, 201__

Signed:____________________, 201__

President - Board of Directors

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