Rules Enforcement Policy

A rules enforcement resolution is needed to ensure compliance with the various rules and regulations found in the governing documents and enacted by the Board.  This sample resolution should be modified to conform with applicable state and federal statutes and governing documents.  Before implementation, it should be reviewed by an attorney specializing in homeowner association law.

Nottacare Condominium
Sample Policy Resolution #___
Rules Enforcement

WHEREAS Section ___ of the Bylaws grant the Board of Directors with the power to conduct Association business and, to protect community harmony by providing guidelines and a procedure for address conditions that disrupt that harmony,

LET IT BE RESOLVED THAT the following rules enforcement procedures will be followed:

1. The Board of Directors (or Property Manager) is authorized to enforce the Rules as outlined in the Rules and Regulations.

2. Rules violations are to be reported to the Board of Directors (or Property Manager) in writing and signed by the complainant. The complaint will be investigated as soon as possible.

3. If the report of violation is accurate, written notice will be sent to the Owner. The first notice of the violation will be regarded as a warning, unless otherwise stipulated in the Association Rules.

4. If the violation is not cleared within 10 days (or the time period allowed by notice if longer) or is repeated a second time within 90 days, a fine will be levied against the Owner in accordance with the Schedule of Fines Policy until the violation is cleared.

5. All Fines are subject to the Collection Policy if unpaid.

6. Appeal Process   Any Owner receiving a Rules Violation Notice who believes no violation occurred, may submit a written explanation to the Board of Directors (or Property Manager). The owner will be given an opportunity for a hearing and no enforcement fee will be imposed until after the hearing.

Recorded in the Book of Minutes: _______, 201___

Signed:____________________, 201___

President - Board of Directors

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